September 8, 2011
11:41 PM
Train is coming
Some years back, everyone and their mothers used to stand right in front of the MRT trains, waiting to rush in. Today, you only see the occasional auntie doing that. It's a pretty amazing feat, considering that it's especially hard to push the older generations to change die-hard habits.
Too bad after the exiting crowd clears, everyone still rushes for the seats. Especially the old aunties: they'll fight tooth and nail and murder everyone who gets in their way just to make it to that empty seat. Ironic since there are reserved seats for elderly, but considering the number of heavy sleepers on said seats, they might just be justified in doing so.
September 4, 2011
12:42 AM
What say you?
Do you impose self-censorship on yourself? Do you worry about how other's might judge you because of the things you write or say? Do you worry about offending others? At what point does the line separating appropriate and inappropriate lie?
August 27, 2011
1:54 PM
I seem to have a really weak spot for cute personified objects.
March 17, 2011
9:52 AM
So I was bored and started randomly thinking about stuff. "Mary had a little lamb" came to mind. Thinking about it a bit raised some questions.
- Why did Mary have a lamb? Was it a pet? Perhaps it was a trend long ago to have farm animals as pets?
- Why did the lamb follow Mary to school? Stalker lamb.. and how did Mary not notice some fluffy white thing following her? Was it a wolf in sheep's clothing? I think a pedobear disguise would work better though.
- Why was it against the rules for the lamb to follow Mary to school. Did the school have a rule that expressedly forbid lambs stalking their owners?
- Seeing the lamb at school made the children laugh and play. Implying that they weren't laughing and playing before the lamb came, implying that they were miserable school kids. After all, if seeing a lamb could make you laugh and play, you must have been leading a pretty sad life.
I want to talk about Hay Diddle Diddle too, but that deserves a whole new post by itself.
March 13, 2011
10:22 PM
Mr. Roboto
At work, every product has its own code name. There's a certain product who's code contains a whole lot of N's, Y's, and A's. Every time I look at it, that particular bunch of letters look like they form 'NYAN', nyan being the sound a cat makes in Japanese. So, every time I see it, I think, "Oh.. its the cat product again".

There's also another product with "WABOEMENE" as part of its code. Guess what it reminds me of...?
March 3, 2011
11:57 PM
crash and burn
Every day I go to work(super boring, I'll probably leave it for another post), I take the MRT, followed by a 10-15 minute walk to the workplace. On the walk there, there's this long stretch of car repair shops. Naturally, there's a whole bunch of banged-up cars parked along the road as well. Most don't seem like your regular car accident victim. Some of the cars are covered in canvas to prevent rainwater from filling them up(initially I figured it was because the cars were too horribly disfigured). Perhaps a tree didn't like the car and decided to fall on it.. who knows. Anyway, every time I walk by that street, I'm reminded of this:
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
...except with cars, of course.
February 28, 2011
7:32 AM
Scientific Breakthrough!
I just realised that
every single protagonist from Final Fantasy pretty much every protagonist from any anime/manga/game has stick-thin eyebrows. Furthermore, they're not just any stick-thin eyebrows, they're 100% straight too. And always slanted downwards nearing the middle so they have the "angry" look.
...I think I just dicovered the secret to doing a good cosplay.